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Welcome to Karibu Dreamers!


My name is Anna. I am 29 years old, living in the beautiful north woods of Minnesota, USA.


This blog began with a passion for encouraging others to follow the dreams deep inside their hearts. I started  as I was working towards pursuing a dream God placed in my heart to do ministry in Rwanda, Africa. You can find more information about my vision for this blog here.


The deepest passion of my heart is to serve and love the Father who created me. I owe everything to God and wouldn't be on this journey without him. My greatest hope for my life is that I will live so others may see God's goodness through my broken life. It sure isn't an easy journey, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.


My family means an incredible amount to me. I have two amazing parents who love Jesus. They blessed me with three big brothers. Two of which have given me one of the greatest gifts in my life: to be an auntie. Those four children have taught me how to love deeply and mean the world to me.


In July of 2014, God revealed to me a dream of doing ministry in Rwanda. I didn't know what that would look like, but I began praying and dreaming about stepping foot in that tiny, East African country. My feet finally landed on Rwandan soil in June of 2016. That began 10 weeks of traveling East Africa and experiencing God's surprises around each and every bend.


That journey would lead me to where I am today, beginning the process of establishing a ministry in Rwanda connected with the Vineyard Church of Rwanda. Bana Munsange Ministries is in the very beginning stages of allowing the most vulnerable children in Rwanda an opportunity to attend school, get their most basic needs met, be offered hope, and become rooted in the love of Jesus.


I will be sharing more about this ministry soon.


This life I have lived has been far from easy. I have had to push through some intense pain and struggles. Such as living each day in chronic pain. I have battled heath issues since I was about 15. I have struggled with the fear that comes with that, but I will not let Satan use it to steal the dreams God planted in me. I was able to travel through E. Africa, mostly alone, for 10 weeks despite that chronic pain. It allowed me to grow confident in the truth that God is far bigger than my health complications!


I am just starting to get back to writing since I returned to the States from Africa. I hope to begin sharing more stories and struggles from my time there and since I arrived back. Due to time and internet it became difficult to write and post while there.


My hope is that through my sharing of my journey you will find encouragement to push through your fears and doubts to pursue the dreams I know God has perfectly placed inside of you.












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